Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Vengeful Conspiracies by Nicole Leiren



Sadie encounters a nemesis from her past. 

Is it coincidence or is it something more sinister? 

Book 2 reveals the truth!

Vengeful CONspiracies

A Sadie Sabatini Mystery Book 2

by Nicole Leiren

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Sadie is settling into her new life in Wilson, Texas. She’s making friends and her business, Tesoro, is starting to thrive. But the past is never far behind. When two former team members come for a visit, they bring trouble in the form of a mutual enemy set on revenge threatening to disrupt Sadie’s fresh start.


She can’t turn her back on her team, though. They’ve been through too much together. The more Sadie tries to help, the more she suspects she might be the target of the con this time. With forces conspiring against her, the outcome of her decisions, both past and present, weigh heavily and make her question the choices she made leading to this point.


When their mutual enemy is found dead, alliances are tested, and wits are matched as the race to the truth reveals who can be trusted and who is running their final con. 


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I grabbed my laptop and returned to the counter. Since Kelsey didn’t want to talk about the election now, I wouldn’t bother her. I was curious, though, about the candidates. The seats being voted on were currently occupied by Jim Bob (JB) Nester, Alan Knightly, and Ted Birmingham. Ted was the only one not running for re-election. I was a little surprised by this. When it came to the Birminghams and their legacy, both influence and power were important. Since Ted typically did what his father wanted, I had no doubt it was Robert’s idea. 

Next, I wanted to take a look at the candidates running to occupy those seats. “Hey, Tessa is running.” 

Kelsey looked my way and grinned. “I knew you’d do some research before Sunday.” 

I shrugged. “The Boy Scouts and I have that in common–always be prepared. I’ve visited her shop, Tessa’s Treats, many times.” 

“She will be a great asset to the board, for sure. One vote down, two to go.” She winked. 

Next up was Karen Bizzy, the “Karen” to beat out all other “Karens.” She had definitive plans for the town of Wilson, very few of which I supported. Denise McDowell and Jackie Price were also vying for a seat. I wasn’t sure either was truly qualified, but out of the two, I knew Denise better. Her motivations, at least, were easier to understand. Jackie, on the other hand, was still a mystery. 

Since I was familiar with them, I hadn’t selected the hyperlink under their name to see the bio and picture. The new guy, Miles Gentry, needed additional research. I hovered over the blue letters that contained his name and hit enter. 

As his picture appeared on a new page, my heart stopped beating for a moment. His hair might no longer be black, and contacts had replaced his glasses, but the face struck a familiar chord from my past. This man was not Miles Gentry. No, I’d recognize the smug look on his narrow face anywhere. This was none other than Miles Grant, a former pharmaceutical executive my team brought down about a year ago due to his use of experimental pesticides which poisoned the workers in the field. He had also skimmed money from the company to fund other experimental programs. In sum, he was a bad actor who had either learned his lesson and was starting a new life, or he had moved from California to Texas to start a new venture where no one knew him or his reputation. At least, he would think no one knew him. 

Either way, I didn’t trust him. My gut was rarely, if ever, wrong. Right now, it was screaming at me that his presence in Wilson spelled bad news for the unsuspecting people of this town. Deep down, I also knew it wouldn’t be long before our paths crossed, which undoubtedly would mean nothing but trouble for me. 

Murderous CONsequences

A Sadie Sabatini Mystery Book 1

Sadie Sabatini thinks of herself as a modern-day Robin Hood who uses her gift as a skilled con artist to help those who have nowhere else to turn. Leading this life is rewarding, but the number of enemies are piling up. Sadie decides to lay low and start over with a new (and legitimate business) in the small town of Wilson, Texas, situated on a small peninsula in beautiful Lake Amore.


Trouble is never far behind though and her past catches up to her in a big way when a friend of a former mark threatens blackmail for his silence. When he turns up dead and Sadie is the prime suspect, she realizes this time she must protect herself. Her skills prove helpful as she digs deeper into the web of revenge, blackmail, and secrets to discover she’s not the only one with a past to hide.


As the threats mount, Sadie knows she’s closing in on the truth. She now worries that the few new friends she’s made in town are in danger because of her. With time running out, can she protect those around her and find the real killer before this new chapter in her life is conned out of a happy ending?


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Described by those who know her best as perky, quirky and effervescent, USA Today Best-Selling author Nicole Leiren likes to have fun -- in life, with her characters and, of course, her readers. She admits to being sassy (just ask her mother!) and inspiration for her characters are drawn from the real-world heroes and heroines she meets while traversing the country.

Nicole enjoys sharing the love, laughter, mystery, and occasionally a touch of the mayhem she forces her characters to endure—all for the reader’s pleasure! Her real-world heroes and heroines will keep you turning the pages until you reach the whodunit or happily ever after (usually both!)


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Monday, March 24, 2025

Stone of Doubt by Margaret Izard



In the absence of doubt, only faith is found.

Stone of Doubt

Stones of Iona Book 5

by Margaret Izard

Genre: Time Travel, Paranormal Romance

A human with Fae powers living like an oddball has its ups and downs until Evie MacDougall’s dream Fae boy pops back into her life after she thought another was “the one.” One dark and devilish, the other her long-lost love. Evil forces trap her for a magic Fae stone, but which man can she trust?

As a teen prophesied to be Fae king, Aodhán viewed the girl of his dreams through an Eye of Ra. Once, he risked all to help Evie MacDougall find a magic Fae stone, only to end up imprisoned. Kept from his true love for years, he finds her at risk from an evil Fae hunting a magic stone.

Is a single vow strong enough to save true love, to save the human and Fae realms?


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Evie threw open Kat’s door, allowing it to bang against the wall.  

Kat rolled over. “Kind of early, even for ye, Evie.” 

Evie strode to Kat’s closet, flipping through each item. She didn’t say a word, fearful she’d give away something, anything that told her best friend she’d visited the Fae realm. 

Kat sat up. “What are ye wearing? Yer hair’s lighter. I like it!” 

Evie glanced down, forgetting the Fae gown, and shrugged. “Something for a play.” She cringed inside at lying to her friend but couldn’t tell anyone she was the one the Fae fable referred to. Not yet, at least.  

Evie flipped back and forth between a crop top and a skirt. Kat’s chest was like her ma’s, larger than Evie’s, but Evie’s hips were bigger. Her clothes had to fit. Evie didn’t have time to go shopping. She wasn’t ready for the idea of selecting new clothing that she’d never bothered to glance at, let alone try on. 

Grabbing the pink crop top and gray pencil skirt, Evie felt comfortable with it being long enough to cover her knees. She had to start somewhere. If she wore a miniskirt to work, ha! Evie envisioned falling, carrying ale, and flashing her personals to all of Maggie’s Bar. That’d be a hoot. 

As Kat called after her, she strode from the room. “Sure, ye can borrow some of my clothes. Thanks for asking!” 

In her room, Evie stripped the Fae gown and hung it, carefully placing it in the back of her closet. She slipped on a bra and undies and donned the crop top lifting her arms to ensure her boobs stayed covered. With the skirt on, she examined herself in the mirror. 

“Nice. Not yer usual colors.” Kat leaned on the frame, yawning. “The form-fitting cotton looks good.”  

Evie turned right, then left, checking her reflection. It needed something more. She moved to her closet, examining her belts. The skinny suspenders, that’s what it needed. Attaching those, she turned before the mirror and nodded.  

As she sat to put on her black boots, Kat collapsed on her bed. “Why the change?” She rolled over. “Not that I’m complaining, but pink with light gray and form-fitting cotton isn’t yer norm.” 

Kat sat up. “Manix! It has to be. Ye have the hots for Manix!” 

Evie shrugged as she brushed her long hair out. This was good. If they thought she spent her time with Manix, they wouldn’t figure out she’d spent most of the evening in the Fae realm with Aodhán. 

She placed her hair in pigtails and began braiding each one. She had to keep her hair up for her waitressing, but after work, when she went out with Manix, the braids would make her hair wavy when she let it out. Perfect. 

Speaking of Fae realms, “Where’s Ewan and Doug?” 

Kat stood and went to the door. “In bed as usual. They come back later and later each trip.” She sighed. “They should be careful.” 

Evie checked the clock. Dash, it’s almost eleven am. Her shift started at noon, and Manix said he’d pick her up at nine when her shift ended.  

She grabbed her leather jacket and went past Kat, who held her arm. “Do ye know what ye are doing with Manix? Ewan mentioned that some say he has a temper he can’t control.” 

Evie pulled her arm away. “It’s nothing. I’m sure exaggeration.” 

Evie ran to the door as Kat called after her, “Sure, don’t mind me, yer BFF. I only just arrived, and ye are off every evening with a man.” She sighed dramatically. “I’ll stay in with a movie again.” 

Evie stopped at the opened door. “Soon, ye and I will go bar hopping. Introduce ye around.” 

Kat chuckled, “Hold ye to it.” 

Evie wasn’t certain what this day held. She’d not dated many men as none seemed to appeal to her. Ewan said it was because she compared them all to her Fae boy, and maybe she had. A human could never beat out the attraction a Fae held. It wasn’t a mere myth but the total truth. 

**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**

Previous books in the series, Stone of Love, book 1, Brielle and Colin’s 18th century Scottish story. Stone of Fear, Book 2, Marie and John’s 13th century Scottish story. Stone of Lust, Book 3, Ainslie and Rannick’s Viking tale. Thistle in the Mistletoe featuring a couple in the past from Stone of Love.

Next in the series:  Holly and Ivy, a Christmas companion book. Stone of Faith, book 6. Stone of Destiny, book 7. Evergreen Evermore, a Christmas companion book.

This series leads into another connected series, Dragons of Tantallon, a dragon-shapeshifter series revolving around the magic Iona Stones.


 Find them HERE!  

Margaret Izard is a multi-award-winning author of historical fantasy and paranormal romance novels. She spent her early years through college to adulthood dedicated to dance, theater, and performing. Over the years, she developed a love for great storytelling in different mediums. She does not waste a good story, be it movement, the spoken, or the written word. She discovered historical romance novels in middle school, which combined her passion for romance, drama, and fantasy. She writes exciting plot lines, steamy love scenes and always falls for a strong male with a soft heart. She lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and adult triplets and loves to hear from readers.


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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Romance, Poison, Murder--a Love Story

By Caroline Clemmons

 For years I believed that westerns were written mainly for a male audience. Then I discovered Lorraine Heath’s western historical romances. I was home! From Lorraine’s books, I learned of other writers who wrote similar stories. Two of my favorites are Julie Garwood’s PRINCE CHARMING (yes, I know it starts out in England) and FOR THE ROSES (yes, it begins in New York City).  Maggie Osborne’s PROMISE OF JENNY JONES is another keeper. Have you ever read a more clever book than MUCH ADO ABOUT MARSHALS by Jacquie Rogers?

 I could go on, but now I have to conduct a little business. You knew I’d get around to it, didn’t you?

one of the covers used


My western historical is both a mystery and a romance. I love mysteries, you see, and just can’t help myself when it comes to murder, kidnapping, poison, and other nasty incidents. I am a sweet and gentle soul in person (yeah, right), but I am mean to my characters when I write. After all, survival in the Old West was difficult. Authors have to present obstacles for the hero and heroine to overcome. Otherwise, a book would be about a page long and boring.

In BRAZOS BRIDE, Hope Montoya knows she’s being poisoned but has no idea who wants her dead. Weakened, she knows she can’t fight alone, and she enlists Micah Stone to assist her. How? Through a marriage of convenience, which gives her control of her estate that’s held in trust by her guardian. That doesn’t stop the killer, who relentlessly persists in trying to eliminate both Hope and adds Micah as a target. I love a determined villain, don’t you? I mean, of course, that I love to hate the villain.

Besides being close to Hope, the woman he secretly loves. by marrying her Micah receives land on the Brazos River and cash, and both are needed badly. The time is August 1870 and there’s a severe drought that has dried up springs, creeks, and waterholes on Micah’s land. Without access to the river, his cattle are dying of thirst. His two brothers are on hand to help him haul water from Zach’s place in the west. Even with their best efforts, they’re losing the battle.

 Here’s an excerpt of Hope and Micah’s wedding night from near the first of the book:

She looked at her hands. Perhaps she was unreasonable. Or maybe insane for sympathizing with a man who'd had to work harder because of her family.

"I know it is an odd situation. If—if you wear your shirt and britches, I guess it would be all right if you slept on top of the cover here." She patted the bed beside her.

He froze. Not a muscle moved, and he only stared at her. Had she misunderstood? Did he think her offer too forward?

She babbled, "That is, if you want to. You said I should trust you. Well, maybe you would be more comfortable where you are." Why didn't he say something? Would he prefer sleeping in a chair to sharing the bed?

From the street below, she heard raucous laughter and someone called to a man named Ben. Music from a piano, she supposed in the saloon, drifted in through the open windows. A gust of breeze moved the curtains and slid across her skin. In this room, though, there was no sound.

Slowly, he rose and extinguished the lamp as he moved across the room. She slid one of the pillows beside hers then scooted down. What had possessed her to offer him half her bed? Would he think she invited more?

Too late to take it back now, for the mattress dipped as he stretched out. Quaking inside at the thought of him so near, she turned her back to him. She heard his weary sigh, as if he relaxed for the first time in a long while.

"Good night," she offered, and hoped he understood the finality of the phrase.

"Yep. Good night, Mrs. Stone." The mattress shook as he turned his back to her. She felt the soles of his feet press against her ankles. He must be several inches too long for the bed and she guessed he had to bend his legs to fit. She didn't dare turn to see firsthand.

She lay perfectly still, afraid to take a deep breath. Soon his breathing changed and she knew he slept. Outside the open window the town quieted and the distant tinkling of the piano was the only sound. Light from the full moon illuminated the room and slanted across the bed. A soft breeze drifted across her, lulling her in its caress.

With a sigh, she fought to relax, but abdominal pain kept her awake no matter how her body cried for rest. Perhaps if she planned, she’d forget the pain and chills that racked her frame.

Plan, yes. She needed a plan for food preparation when she returned to her home. No, Micah said he had a plan. Oh, dear, once more he took charge when it was her life, her home.

Maybe Aunt Sofia and Uncle Jorge would have left by then and things would be fine. Already she felt more secure. She sensed her eyelids drifting closed and the sleep’s blessed relief approaching.

A gunshot ripped apart the night.

The blast startled her and she screamed as something thudded near her head, showering her hair and face with splinters. Panic immobilized her. What had happened?

Micah dragged her onto the floor as a bullet ripped into the mattress.


Did that excerpt entice you to buy the book?

 I hope so because everyone in my family needs an operation. Okay, no one actually needs surgery, but I will appreciate your buying the book. I believe you will enjoy the series which includes Brazos Bride, High Stakes Bride, Bluebonnet Bride, and others. .

Here’s the buy link for BRAZOS BRIDE:

 Thanks for stopping by! 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Boys of Bragg Series by Randa Knight



The Boys of Bragg series follows military friends who are stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina and the sassy independent women they fall for.

A Change of Heart

Boys of Bragg Book 1

by Randa Knight

Genre: Military Romance

One summer changed everything.



One night.

One decision.

Taking chances isn't a new concept to me, but I've never been one to take a chance on love. Michael changes all of that. No more party girl, no more one-night stands. I fall hard for the cerulean-eyed sex god who shows me what it's like to truly be cherished and loved.

Only, I'm not sure how long it can last.


I knew the moment I met Dee that she was trouble. But when she unexpectedly opens up to me the night we meet, I realize she's the only person who could change how I think about relationships, how I feel, and how I look at life. She's a fiery, spontaneous woman who challenges me at every turn. I should let her go. But I don't think I want to.

But right now my career won’t allow me to be the kind of man she deserves.

And Dee doesn’t trust herself or my love for her.

If I’m going to keep her, I have to let her walk away, as much as it pains me to my core.

Yes, it sounds crazy and it might just backfire, but if my plan pays off, we’ll both stop running and finally realize how much we need each other, how our hearts were made for each other.


**Get it FREE March 24th – 28th!**

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The Art of Love

Boys of Bragg Book 2

One look is all it takes to change everything. 



I've been the black sheep of the family my entire life, so I'm looking forward to this fresh start. My job and new friends are great and I’m finding happiness. Then I met Brax--the gorgeous soldier with huge muscles, but he’s also sweet, caring, and loves art. Oh, and he’s completely off-limits, thanks to my overprotective brother who’s Brax’s first sergeant. Will he chase Brax away like he’s done my entire life?



To protect and serve: it's all I've ever wanted to do. Being a model soldier has been my life's dream. But then I met Cat, the little pixie artist who stole my heart. Now, all I want to do is be with her, but there's just one problem--her brother is my first sergeant. Now I'll have to choose between being the perfect soldier for my unit… or being her perfect partner.


**Get it for Only .99cents March 10th – 17th !!**

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The Last Game

Boys of Bragg Book 3

One moment changed their lives.



I've harbored a secret crush on Grant ever since that freckle-faced kid first set foot in our yard when I was just six years old. I knew he was special. Grant has always had this uncanny ability to understand me on a soul-deep level, yet I've kept my feelings hidden, knowing he's not just my brother's best friend but also my rock. He's the one who keeps me steady, soothing me when the chaos of life threatens to overwhelm me. Grant is my true north. Until we cross that line.

As the line blurs between friendship and something more, I'm left grappling with a daunting question: Is he worth the gamble of disrupting the delicate balance of our friendship and the stability we've carefully built together?



I'd do anything for Ivy Rose, but even I have my limits. I've tried everything to show her how I feel. Helping her raise her son? Done. Starting a friends-with-benefits arrangement? Maybe not my best idea. Admitting I want to spend my life with her? Definitely, the scariest thing I've ever done. Then the unthinkable happens, turning our world upside down. I'm hurt, and angry, and that's when I need her the most.

Can I put my anger aside and forgive her, or will we be stuck in silence forever? Our friendship might be on the line, but my heart tells me Ivy is worth the risk.


**Get it for Only $1.99 Mar 17-24!!**

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The Unveiled Fling

Boys of Bragg Book 4

One costume is all it takes to change everything.



My dream girl unexpectedly falls into my life, but with only one weekend together, she’s left me craving more. When she reappears, warnings from my friends urge me to stay away, but I can’t. I keep finding reasons to see her. Talk to her. Be near her.

Can I convince her to give our connection a chance?



I never imagined encountering my Comic Con fling among my sister’s social circle, only to have him play the role of a stranger. Despite his charming demeanor, Joel doesn’t fit my usual type of nerdy guys. But as I discover more about him, I question whether there’s more beneath his confident exterior.

Can he show me that opposites attract in the most unexpected ways?

Will they give in to their feelings and give their romance a chance, or will they let their differences and their friends keep them apart?


**RELEASING MARCH 25th - PreOrder Now!!**

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Randa Knight was born and raised in a small little town on the Ohio/Indiana border. Her love of reading began in middle school and never ended. For the past few years, she has been an avid reader and blogger. She studied Literature with a Creative Writing minor at Indiana University (Go Hoosiers!) where she fell in love with writing. The idea for Boys of Bragg series began during a creative writing course.

When she’s not writing, you can find her hanging out with her four boys, husband, and new puppy. Or spending copious amounts of time on Tik Tok instead of writing or cleaning.


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Monday, March 17, 2025

Lines We Shouldn't Cross by Harper Reynolds



Sometimes the road to a fresh start has a few detours

Lines We Shouldn’t Cross

The Innocence Series Book 1

by Harper Reynolds

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

When they first meet, sparks fly…but not the romantic kind…

Ella Westhoff is a marketing genius. But romance? Not her strong suit. So, while she’s prepared to return to her small hometown and help her grandmother successfully reopen her B&B, she will not fall for the grumpy landscaper on the job—the one who so thoroughly annoyed her at first sight. That was the plan, anyway…

Cooper Daniels isn’t cut out for love, either. His bitter divorce certainly taught him that. One-night stands are all he’s willing to commit to these days. Which means that even though he enjoys bantering with the brilliant Ella, he knows he can’t be the kind of guy she deserves. No matter how much she makes him wish he could be…

Somewhere between fresh starts and past hurts, business and pleasure, Ella and Cooper might be able to claim a happily ever after. But only if they’re willing to cross some lines along the way…

Lines We Shouldn’t Cross, book 1 in the Innocence series, is a sweet and spicy, emotional contemporary romance. Download today and get ready to fall for Ella and Cooper.


**Releases March 20th!! Get it for On Sale for a limited time!**

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This, this… guy! I stalk out of the dining room, fuming. 

Of all the people for Pippa to rent the carriage house to, it had to be him. And now he’s living right next door, invading my sanctuary, the space I’ve always considered mine. 

Why did he have to ruin my hope of living in the carriage house? There must be plenty of places available for rent in town. I sigh, trying to let my frustration go because bitching and moaning won’t change a thing. 

I’d spent countless sleepovers there with my best friend, trading secrets, and dreams. Later, losing myself in romance novels, I’d imagined my own epic love story. Yeah, well, that had been a big naïve fantasy. Most guys turn out to be jerks—like my ex—not some swoon-worthy hero who sets my body ablaze while cherishing my soul. That kind of guy only exists between the pages. 

Now, another real-life example of an arrogant jerk stands right there in the dining room, pouring wine as if he owns the place. His broad frame fills the space like a quintessential guy’s guy. His large hands tell a different story. Hands that could build barn walls or something, not pouring wine with unexpected gentleness. Strength and softness, wrapped in those sexy, veiny forearms. If he’d be anyone else, I’d be hopelessly flustered. 

Fine, the man’s hot enough to melt steel, but that's where my appreciation ends. His charm could strip paint of wood, and it's just about as healthy to be around. He might have fooled Pippa, but not me. And now we’re supposed to work together? Fricking perfect. 

In the kitchen, I muster a smile. “Need a hand?” The lasagna’s rich scent fills the room, promising comfort. 

Pippa, beaming as though she’s crafted a culinary masterpiece, hands me a tray bearing the night’s first course. In the center, a mason jar filled with her homemade ranch dressing takes the spotlight amid the salad greens and a basket of still-warm bread.  

“Could you bring this in?” 

Her warm smile tells me she’s missed me and is happy I’m home. 

“Of course.” I won’t rain on her parade, so I nod and smile. One quick taste of the creamy dressing first, then the breadbasket joins the greens as I steady myself to face Mr. Arrogance Next Door. 

“Thanks, darling.” Pippa smiles. “I’ll be right there.” 

Yes, please, I pray silently. I don’t care to be alone for even one minute with that infuriating man. I let out an inaudible sigh, part frustration, part resignation.  

“Alright,” I say, forcing a cheery tone. With no excuse to dodge McCocky, I carry the tray out of the kitchen. 

I write the kind of romance novels that blend sweet and spicy into something deliciously real - stories that'll warm your heart one minute and make you reach for a fan the next. My characters are flawed souls who stumble their way to love with enough emotional baggage to fill a cargo plane, but they're worth every messy moment.

Life handed me my own romance novel when I fell for an American military man while living in Germany. Now I'm living my happily-ever-after in a cozy Kentucky town, where my European roots tangle perfectly with Southern charm. You'll find me powered by excessive amounts of coffee, testing ice cream flavors (strictly for research purposes), and soaking up cuddles from my golden retrievers, Dakota and Tucker.


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Friday, March 14, 2025

Read O'Neil's Texas Bride by Caroline Clemmons for St. Patrick's Day


O'Neil's Texas Bride
by Caroline Clemmons

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day by curling up and reading O'Neil's Texas Bride.

Book Blurb:

New cover. Finn O’Neill longs for his own ranch, his own horses, his own home and family but thought the lofty dream beyond him. Now the opportunity has arisen but to achieve his dream, he bargains with Grandpa McClintock and his nephew to pose as a miner and seek out the person or persons causing disasters at the Farland Coal Mine.

Stella Clayton has witnessed the heartbreak and tragedy of a coal miner’s life. Her family came from England to the promise of a better life only to find the same hardships. She is determined that her young brother will never follow in their father’s footsteps. And she vows she will never marry a man who engaged in that work. She fights to resist charms of the handsome Irishman who’s recently come to work in Lignite, Texas.

When Finn arrives in Lignite, he immediately falls for the beautiful schoolteacher, Stella Clayton. But her father is one of the men suspected of causing destruction. What Finn discovers soon puts him and members of the Clayton family in peril. Can he salvage his dream, fulfill his promise, and protect the woman he loves and her family?

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Believing in You by Sharon C. Cooper



They’re opposites in every way, but they might just be the perfect match.

Believing In You

Priestly Family Series Book 1

by Sharon C. Cooper

Genre: Contemporary Romance

They’re opposites in every way, but they might just be the perfect match.


After a case of mistaken identity, riddled with betrayal, Harrison Grant is struggling to open himself up to other people again. He lost a part of himself while in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and it seems impossible to move forward.


Enter Nyla Priestly. She’s a woman with a bubbly smile for everyone she meets and who always has a kind word to say. The jaded version of Harrison wants to doubt her personality is real. No one can be that happy all the time. Right?


Nyla has never been into the broody type. Yet something about Harrison makes her body crave him. Sure, he’s gorgeous and happens to be one of the sexiest saxophone players she’s ever met. But achieving her dream of owning Moody Days Jazz Club is top priority. She doesn’t have time to deal with a man. No matter how good he makes her feel.


As Harrison falls for Nyla and helps her fulfill her dreams, can her unceasing love be enough for him to trust again?


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It didn’t make sense that she was fantasizing and sometimes daydreaming about the man. Why him? Why did her temporary boss make her want to touch him all over and jump his bones? Sure, it had been awhile since she’d been with a man, but it hadn’t been that damn long. And sure, he was handsome in a sexy, geek kind of way with an intelligence that was as attractive as the rest of him. However, he was uptight, standoffish, and a workaholic.  

So not my type. 

Even with those negatives, the sexual tension that vibed between her and Harrison Grant was hot enough to leave burn marks. It was a good thing that her assignment would soon be over. She didn’t know how much longer she could pretend she wasn’t seriously interested in him. 

Then again, who was she kidding? The man was so far out of her league, there was no way he’d be interested in her. It didn’t matter anyway. He seemed like the type to never step out of line. No way would he help her act out some of the fantasies. 

 Nyla snorted at the thought and shoved her bag into the bottom desk drawer. No sense in daydreaming about someone she could never… 

The door behind her burst open, and she jumped, her hand flying to her chest. “What in the…” 


“I told you to always get the caller’s name and tell me before transferring them to my phone,” he ground out, his chest heaving as if he was about to blow a gasket at any moment. 

Nyla should be concerned, especially since he had never raised his voice at her, but all she could do was stare at him. The man was too gorgeous for his own good, and the fire in his eyes only made him look that much hotter.  

Even his black, wire-rimmed glasses didn’t detract from his handsomeness. Smooth deep-bronze skin, a thin mustache and goatee, and eyes that were so dark, they almost looked black, made up his perfect face. Then there was the black turtleneck he was wearing. It molded over his muscular upper body, and the black slacks had to be tailored specifically for him to look that good. 

Yup. Too damn fine. 

“Did you hear what I said?” he snapped, and that shook Nyla from her thoughts. 

“I heard you,” she said, though she wasn’t positive that she’d heard everything. Ignoring his rant and scowl, she said, “Good morning, Sunshine. Can I get you some coffee? Tea? Or do you need something stronger, like a shot of tequila, to calm you down?”  

USA Today bestselling author Sharon C. Cooper loves anything involving romance with a happily-ever-after, whether in books, movies, or real life. She writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, as well as romantic comedy. She enjoys rainy days, carpet picnics, and family game night. Her stories have won numerous awards, including The Rochelle Alers Best Series award for her Atlanta’s Finest Series (2022) and The Beverly Jenkins Author of the Year award (2021). When she isn’t writing, Sharon loves hanging out with her amazing husband, doing volunteer work, or reading a good book (a romance of course). To read more about Sharon and her novels, or to sign up to be notified of her latest releases, visit

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